All functions |
Customer Lifetime Value Tools |
Add Dynamic Covariates to a CLV data object |
Add Static Covariates to a CLV data object |
Time-varying Covariates for the Apparel Retailer Dataset |
Time-invariant Covariates for the Apparel Retailer Dataset |
Apparel Retailer Dataset |
Coerce to object |
Coerce to a Data Frame |
Coerce to a Data Table |
BG/BB models - Work In Progress |
BG/NBD models |
BG/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions |
BG/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions |
BG/NBD: Probability of Being Alive |
BG/NBD: Unconditional Expectation |
BG/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF) |
CDNOW dataset |
Bootstrapping: Fit a model again on sampled data and apply method |
Create an object for transactional data required to estimate CLV |
Extract Unconditional Expectation |
Gamma/Gamma Spending model |
Gamma-Gamma: Log-Likelihood Function |
Gamma-Gompertz/NBD model |
GGompertz/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions |
GGompertz/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions |
GGompertz/NBD: Probability of Being Alive |
GGompertz/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF) |
GGompertz/NBD: Unconditional Expectation |
Formula Interface for Latent Attrition Models |
Likelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models |
New customer prediction data |
Number of observations |
Number of observations |
Plot Diagnostics for the Transaction data in a Object |
Plot expected and actual mean spending per transaction |
Plot Diagnostics for a Fitted Transaction Model |
Probability Mass Function |
Pareto/NBD models |
Pareto/NBD: Conditional Expected Transactions |
Pareto/NBD: Discounted Expected Residual Transactions |
Pareto/NBD: Log-Likelihood functions |
Pareto/NBD: Probability of Being Alive |
Pareto/NBD: Unconditional Expectation |
Pareto/NBD: Probability Mass Function (PMF) |
Predict customers' future spending |
Predict CLV from a fitted transaction model |
Formula Interface for Spending Models |
Subsetting |
Summarizing a fitted CLV model |
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for CLV Models fitted with Maximum Likelihood Estimation |