Calculate P(X(t)=x), the probability that a randomly selected customer makes exactly x transactions in the interval (0, t].
bgnbd_nocov_PMF(r, alpha, a, b, x, vT_i)
bgnbd_staticcov_PMF(r, x, vAlpha_i, vA_i, vB_i, vT_i)
shape parameter of the Gamma distribution of the purchase process
scale parameter of the Gamma distribution of the purchase process
shape parameter of the Beta distribution of the lifetime process
shape parameter of the Beta distribution of the lifetime process
The number of transactions to calculate the probability for (unsigned integer).
Number of periods since the customer came alive.
Vector of individual parameters alpha
Vector of individual parameters a
Vector of individual parameters b
Returns a vector of probabilities.
Fader PS, Hardie BGS, Lee KL (2005). ““Counting Your Customers” the Easy Way: An Alternative to the Pareto/NBD Model” Marketing Science, 24(2), 275-284.
Fader PS, Hardie BGS (2013). “Overcoming the BG/NBD Model's #NUM! Error Problem” URL
Fader PS, Hardie BGS (2007). “Incorporating time-invariant covariates into the Pareto/NBD and BG/NBD models.” URL
Fader PS, Hardie BGS, Lee KL (2007). “Creating a Fit Histogram for the BG/NBD Model” URL