Calculate P(X(t)=x), the probability that a randomly selected customer makes exactly x transactions in the interval (0, t].
ggomnbd_nocov_PMF(r, alpha_0, b, s, beta_0, x, vT_i)
shape parameter of the Gamma distribution of the purchase process. The smaller r, the stronger the heterogeneity of the purchase process.
scale parameter of the Gamma distribution of the purchase process.
scale parameter of the Gompertz distribution (constant across customers)
shape parameter of the Gamma distribution for the lifetime process The smaller s, the stronger the heterogeneity of customer lifetimes.
scale parameter for the Gamma distribution for the lifetime process
The number of transactions to calculate the probability for (unsigned integer).
Number of periods since the customer came alive.
Vector of estimated parameters for the transaction covariates.
Vector of estimated parameters for the lifetime covariates.
Matrix containing the covariates data affecting the lifetime process. One column for each covariate.
Matrix containing the covariates data affecting the transaction process. One column for each covariate.
Returns a vector of probabilities.
is a matrix containing the covariates data of
the time-invariant covariates that affect the transaction process.
Each column represents a different covariate. For every column a gamma parameter
needs to added to vCovParams_trans
at the respective position.
is a matrix containing the covariates data of
the time-invariant covariates that affect the lifetime process.
Each column represents a different covariate. For every column a gamma parameter
needs to added to vCovParams_life
at the respective position.
Bemmaor AC, Glady N (2012). “Modeling Purchasing Behavior with Sudden “Death”: A Flexible Customer Lifetime Model” Management Science, 58(5), 1012-1021.
Adler J (2022). “Comment on “Modeling Purchasing Behavior with Sudden “Death”: A Flexible Customer Lifetime Model” Management Science 69(3):1929-1930.
The expression for the PMF was derived by Adler J (2024). (unpublished)