Summary method for objects of class that provides information about the estimation and possible holdout sample, and descriptive statistics of the transaction data.

# S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ids = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for class ''
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

# S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for class ''
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)

# S3 method for class ''
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for class ''
print(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...)



A CLV data object containing transactional data and potentially also contextual factors.


A character vector of customer ids for which the transaction data is summarized. Defaults to NULL for all customers.




An object of class "", usually, a result of a call to


The number of significant digits to use when printing.


This function computes and returns summary statistics of the transactional and covariates data given in object. This is a list of class and contains the elements:


Human readable description of the type of data.


Summary information about the stored clv.time object.


A data.table with summary statistics of the transactions overall and in the estimation and holdout sample.


Ids for which the transaction data was summarized. NULL if all Ids were used.

For static covariates data, the list additionally is of class and further contains the elements:

Names of the covariates for the Transaction process.

Names of the covariates for the Lifetime process.


If applicable, the summary statistics are provided separately for the estimation and holdout period as well as for the overall time period (estimation + holdout). By using the ids argument, the summary statistics can be limited to a subset of customers.

Number of customers

Count of individual customers.

First Transaction in period

Time point of the first transaction occurring in the indicated period.

Last Transaction in period

Time point of the last transaction occurring in the indicated period.

Total # Transactions

Count of transactions occurring in the indicated period.

Mean # Transactions per cust

Average transactions per customer in the indicated period, including standard deviation (SD).

Mean Spending per Transaction

Average spending per customer in the indicated period, including standard deviation (SD). Spending statistics are only available if spending data was provided when creating the object.

Total Spending

Sum of customer spending during the indicated period.

Total # zero repeaters

Number of customers who purchased only once during the estimation period.

Percentage of zero repeaters

Percentage of customers who purchased only once during the estimation period.

Mean Interpurchase time

Average time (in number of periods) between two transactions of the same customer, including standard deviation (SD).

See also

plot for how to plot a clv data object

clvdata for how to create a clv data object

SetStaticCovariates for how to add static covariates

SetDynamicCovariates for how to add dynamic covariates


# \donttest{

data("apparelTrans") <- clvdata(apparelTrans, date.format = "ymd",
                            time.unit = "w",
                            estimation.split = 52)

# summary of transaction data and split
#> CLV Transaction Data 
#> Time unit         Weeks         
#> Estimation length 52.0000 Weeks 
#> Holdout length    259.0000 Weeks
#> Transaction Data Summary 
#>                                    Estimation      Holdout         Total     
#> Number of customers                -               -               600       
#> First Transaction in period        2005-01-02      2006-01-02      2005-01-02
#> Last Transaction in period         2006-01-01      2010-12-20      2010-12-20
#> Total # Transactions               1361            1822            3183      
#> Mean # Transactions per cust       2.268           5.974           5.305     
#> (SD)                               1.695           5.908           6.119     
#> Mean Spending per Transaction      40.908          37.695          39.069    
#> (SD)                               81.384          52.734          66.519    
#> Total Spending                     55676.140       68680.760       124356.900
#> Total # zero repeaters             259             -               -         
#> Percentage of zero repeaters       43.167          -               -         
#> Mean Interpurchase time            18.193          32.619          37.817    
#> (SD)                               12.568          27.034          42.339    

# transaction summary of customer "1219"
summary(, ids="1219")
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning: Not all given ids were found in the transaction data.
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Transaction Data Summary for Given Customers (n=1)
#>                                    Estimation      Holdout      Total
#> Number of customers                -               -            0    
#> First Transaction in period        Inf             -            Inf  
#> Last Transaction in period         -Inf            -            -Inf 
#> Total # Transactions               0               -            0    
#> Mean # Transactions per cust       NaN             -            NaN  
#> (SD)                               -               -            -    
#> Mean Spending per Transaction      NaN             -            NaN  
#> (SD)                               -               -            -    
#> Total Spending                     0.000           -            0.000
#> Total # zero repeaters             0               -            -    
#> Percentage of zero repeaters       NaN             -            -    
#> Mean Interpurchase time            -               -            -    
#> (SD)                               -               -            -    

# transaction summary of customers "1", "10", "100", and "1000"
summary(, ids=c("1", "10", "100", "1000"))
#> Warning: Not all given ids were found in the transaction data.
#> Transaction Data Summary for Given Customers (n=4)
#>                                    Estimation      Holdout         Total     
#> Number of customers                -               -               3         
#> First Transaction in period        2005-01-02      2006-01-18      2005-01-02
#> Last Transaction in period         2005-09-06      2010-06-08      2010-06-08
#> Total # Transactions               5               16              21        
#> Mean # Transactions per cust       1.667           5.333           7.000     
#> (SD)                               0.577           3.512           3.000     
#> Mean Spending per Transaction      84.110          57.547          63.872    
#> (SD)                               85.548          63.964          68.313    
#> Total Spending                     420.550         920.760         1341.310  
#> Total # zero repeaters             1               -               -         
#> Percentage of zero repeaters       33.333          -               -         
#> Mean Interpurchase time            30.143          60.446          43.548    
#> (SD)                               7.273           78.848          35.605    

# add contextual factors
data("apparelStaticCov") <-
            = apparelStaticCov,
            = "Gender",
                     data.cov.trans = apparelStaticCov,
                     names.cov.trans = "Gender")

# additional info about the covariates
#> CLV Transaction Data with Static Covariates 
#> Time unit         Weeks         
#> Estimation length 52.0000 Weeks 
#> Holdout length    259.0000 Weeks
#> Transaction Data Summary 
#>                                    Estimation      Holdout         Total     
#> Number of customers                -               -               600       
#> First Transaction in period        2005-01-02      2006-01-02      2005-01-02
#> Last Transaction in period         2006-01-01      2010-12-20      2010-12-20
#> Total # Transactions               1361            1822            3183      
#> Mean # Transactions per cust       2.268           5.974           5.305     
#> (SD)                               1.695           5.908           6.119     
#> Mean Spending per Transaction      40.908          37.695          39.069    
#> (SD)                               81.384          52.734          66.519    
#> Total Spending                     55676.140       68680.760       124356.900
#> Total # zero repeaters             259             -               -         
#> Percentage of zero repeaters       43.167          -               -         
#> Mean Interpurchase time            18.193          32.619          37.817    
#> (SD)                               12.568          27.034          42.339    
#> Covariates                           
#> Trans. Covariates    Gender
#>        # covs        1     
#> Life.  Covariates    Gender
#>        # covs        1     
# }