Patrick Bachmann. Maintainer, author.
Niels Kuebler. Author.
Markus Meierer. Author.
Jeffrey Naef. Author.
E. Shin Oblander. Author.
Patrik Schilter. Author.
Bachmann P, Kuebler N, Meierer M, Naef J, Oblander E, Schilter P (2024). CLVTools: Tools for Customer Lifetime Value Estimation. R package version 0.11.0,
@Manual{, title = {CLVTools: Tools for Customer Lifetime Value Estimation}, author = {Patrick Bachmann and Niels Kuebler and Markus Meierer and Jeffrey Naef and E. Shin Oblander and Patrik Schilter}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.11.0}, url = {}, }